In light of the evolving coronavirus COVID-19 situation and by Governor Whitmer’s recommendation, the Ramsdell Regional Center for the Arts (RRCA) board of directors have decided to postpone Irish Night. Irish Night was originally scheduled for Friday, March 13, from 7:30pm – 10:30pm.
Governor Whitmer wrote a statement on March 11 with recommendations on how to mitigate the issue with the coronavirus. Among them, specific instructions for “mass events” specifically requesting to “cancel or postpone large gatherings, conferences, and sporting events (e.g. greater than 100 people in a shared space).” You can read the full report here.
The Metropolitan Opera has also canceled events up to March 31. The HD transmission of the Flying Dutchman on Saturday, March 14, is also canceled at the Ramsdell as a result. The Paine family has also canceled Bill Paine’s memorial service and reception, originally scheduled for Saturday, March 14, at the Ramsdell.
The RRCA will honor a full refund to Irish Night or The MET Opera HD “Flying Dutchman” ticket holders. You may also choose to keep your existing order if you decide you can make the new date. “We’ve dealt with this before when we had to postpone The Accidentals event because of weather concerns. Most people were able to make the new date, and we honored the refund to those that couldn’t,” said Xavier Verna, executive director of the RRCA.
At this time, The Bach and Beethoven Experience presented by the Shoreline Music Society on March 21 is still on the schedule. A new date for Irish Night will be announced for the summer of 2020. The RRCA board will re-evaluate the situation next week and make decisions on future events. More news will be shared via social media and email marketing campaigns.
Xavier Verna
Executive Director, Ramsdell Regional Center for the Arts